
Unlock a world of real flights!

Get a license

Full trial app allows you to generate up to 5 flight plans, then you will need an activation code to continue using the app.

AI Live Traffic does search for real flight data every time you start a flight, this is data is not free, we will keep the lowest cost possible to make our app affordable for all simmers in the community, 

Your activation code will give you unlimited flight plans generation (2 flight plans per hour) at any airport in the world from regional to large hubs for 31 days.

If you are not sure about the app functionality download the full trial app from the download page.


Just 4.90 usd
per month.

  • Click on the button above to be transferred to Paypal payment page.
  • One license purchased gives you 31 days of unlimited flight plans generation (2 flight plans per hour).
  • License valid for one computer only. 
  • Non recursive, one time payment.
  • Your license expiration date will start running once it is activated within the app not when purchased.
  • At this time we do not offer subscriptions, recurrent purchase every time your license expire is required to continue using the app.
  • Paypal account is not needed. You can pay as guest with your credit card.
  • Your activation code will be sent to your Paypal registered email.
  • If you have any problem with your purchase please send an email to